Enrol Today for the Ghana School of Law Entrance Exam Prep Courses...
Learn how to pass U.S. Bar Exam / Solicitors Qualifying Exam / Ghana School of Law Entrance Exam with guidance & tuition from our highly qualified tutors & International Prep Course Partners.
Ready to pass the U.S. State Bar Exam?
Prepex in collaboration with Barbri Global is providing you with this great opportunity. Each year, the majority of graduating U.S. law students and international candidates trust BARBRI GLOBAL to Own The Bar. Whether studying 100% online or attending a classroom, rely on the most personalised and effective bar review to pass any U.S. state bar exam
Proven Record
Many individuals can attest to how Prepex has helped them excel in the Ghana School of Law Entrance Exam to a whole world of new possibilities.
Well-Qualified Tutors
Our tutors are the best in the field. They have a proven record of teaching and practicing law in various
disciplines with extensive experience and skills
Required Courses
We prepare you for 6 examinable courses needed to enter the Ghana School of Law. For more details on the six courses, please
check the course page.
Features of Our Courses
Why Choose Us?
PREPEX has prep courses to fit all types of law students and legal professionals.
Flexible Course Option
Live and recorded course options available. Access all materials online, anytime through your Personal Study Plan and individual 1:1 mentor support.
Learn Online at Your Own Pace
Our Prep courses will be offered as live or recorded based on your schedule needs. Study primarily online with blended learning opportunities.
Best Law Tutors
Learn from the best professors and practitioners who are deeply mindful of helping you pass the GSL entrance exam.

Trusted by Thousand of Students and Tutors

Sylvester Amoah

Elsie Selorm Ahadzi

Rachel Abena Asiedu